Transparency and Integrity


COVID-19 : WHO To Begin Probe In China On Covid19

The World Health Organization WHO has said it will begin investigation into the outbreak and spread of the Coronavirus.

Margaret Harris, a Spokesperson for WHO revealed that a team of facilitators have been sent to China to investigate the origin of the Coronavirus that has now become a Pandemic as popular opinions indicates that the Virus came from a wholesale market located in Central Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019 and has caused the the market and many others to be closed down after it began to infect humans.

She further revealed during a briefing that 2 experts, specialists in animal health and epidemiology from the World Health Organization will synergize with Chinese Scientists to outline how best to go about the investigation and emphasized that they had taken off already for the assignment and the outcome will determine the composition of a bigger team for the investigation.

She said
"One of the bug issues that everybody is interested in, and of course that's why we're sending an animal hekath expert, is to look at whether or not it jumped from species to human and what species it jumped from.
"We know it's very very similar to the virus in the bat, but did it go through an intermediate species? This is a question we all need answered", 

Professor Georgetown Law in Washington D.C has said

"There is no Independent record, assessment or investigation of a potential zoonotic source it will therefore be difficult going to collect facts and information."

While the President of the United States of America Donald Trump and Secretary of state Michael Pompeo though without tendering evidence have also said the virus may have originated in a laboratory in China, Scientists and U.S intelligence on the other hand suggest that the Virus came naturally.

Picture Credit : WHO

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