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ZAMFARA: Bandits Storm Students Off-Campus Residents Abduct Scores Of University Students


“Students Abducted Are Mostly Females”, Sources In Sabon Gida Village Reveal.

Bandits have reportedly kidnapped a significant number of students of the Federal University Gusau, Zamfara State, in the early hours of Friday (today).

According to an indigene of Sabon Gida village, Abubakar Sani, the bandits, who were in large numbers, stormed the students’ off-campus residences in the village. He said the students abducted were mostly females, a report by Punch revealed. 

Sani said the bandits invaded the area around 4:00am on Friday, where they attacked three students’ hostels.

He said, “Many of the kidnapped students were females, while other students were able to escape to the bush”.

According to Sani, the bandits only abducted the university students but did not abduct any residents of the village.

He said, “When they arrived the village, they went straight to the students [off campuses] and started shooting sporadically”.

“They later broke into the campuses and brought a number of students who are mostly females”.

The university authority and the state police command both declined to comment.: Bandits Storm Students Off-Campus Residents Abduct Scores Of University Students

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